For the BadushaMaida / All purpose Flour - 4 cups
Butter - 175 gms
Baking soda - 1/4 tsp
Water - 1 & 1/4 cups
For Sugar Syrup
Sugar - 1 & 1/2 cup
Cardamom a pinch
Water - 1 & 1/2 cups
Milk - 1 tsp (optional)
Oil for frying (you can add 3 tsp of ghee if you so wish)
To make the Badusha

Meanwhile have the syrup cooking.
How to make the Sugar Syrup:
Mix the sugar with water and melt it. I normally strain it to remove the impurities. But you can add 1 tsp of milk which will get the impurities to surface to the top, which can be easily removed.
Continue cooking till you get one thread consistency. This can be checked by touching the syrup between your index and thumb. You will see one thread formed when you move your fingers away from each other.
At this stage add the cardamom, let it cook for few more seconds and switch off the flame.
Mix the sugar with water and melt it. I normally strain it to remove the impurities. But you can add 1 tsp of milk which will get the impurities to surface to the top, which can be easily removed.
Continue cooking till you get one thread consistency. This can be checked by touching the syrup between your index and thumb. You will see one thread formed when you move your fingers away from each other.
At this stage add the cardamom, let it cook for few more seconds and switch off the flame.

If the Syrup gets cold, you can heat it again on low flame. If required add little water to thin it.
Once all the Badushas are done, spread them on a plate, allowing it to cool down a bit.